Finding the right Planner

Every single one of our Planners has different specialties! Hit the "find your planner" button next to the description that best fits you!


Young Families or Individuals

The accumulation phase of life can be the most crucial time to find a Planner and get control of your finances. Nothing helps more than investing early and having clear goals! Our Planners have years of experience when it comes to making young families find financial peace and stability. 


About to Retire and Retired

You have worked hard, and now its finally time to enjoy your financial independence. Yet, there's a lot of uncertainty with the freedom of retirement. How does my pension work? Is the amount I saved in my 401k enough? Will my money last? Will I be able to visit my loved ones? Will I be able to live the life I want? Those questions can be stressful to think about, let alone answer.  After all it is easy to formulate a plan to put money into savings, but how do you safely and sustainably withdraw funds to cover lifetime expenses.  Here at Lake Tahoe Wealth Management we can ease the stress and take the burden of these questions off your shoulders and give you the answers you need. Our Planners have helped many others with the same questions and we can help you too!


Small Business  Owners

Owning and running a small business can be tough, and whats even harder is retaining good talent. Establishing an incentive to stay with the company can lead to greater success when it comes to retaining key employees.  We can help guide you through the process of  establishing an employer-sponsored retirement plan, including investment selection and management.


Doctors and other Professionals 

Working as a professional can come with great personal and financial reward, and can also come with a high tax burden and high debt. High income can make decisions seem easy, but having a financial planner help you optimize the use of your income can shave years of payments of debt, help you achieve financial independence faster, or assist to ease the tax burden that comes with being in the higher tax brackets. 



Executive compensation packages can be hard to understand and take full advantage of. Our expertise and experience can be very valuable in this area . Often executive compensation include stock grants and non qualified deferred compensation plans which can have tax and other implications.  Partnering with one of our planners can help you make the most out of your retirement benefit.  


While we are not affiliated with any of these companies we are familiar and have worked with their retirement plans and benefits.
