All in Investments

The LTWM Insider – Market and Economic Commentary Q4 2023

The fourth quarter was exceptionally strong for stocks, so it was important to believe in the strength of the American consumer and the power of the Fed when stocks and bonds were hitting lows last quarter (see our last quarterly commentary here). Inflation continued to decline and the probability of the first Federal Reserve interest rate cut increased for the new year. The Fed has paused since its last rate hike in July of 2023. The first cut may be as early as Q1, most likely in Q2, but could be pushed out to the end of the year, or beyond, if the economy remains robust enough to keep adding jobs. We would like to see a long pause from the Fed based on the strength of the economy. Bond yields have already responded, moving down substantially across longer maturities, in anticipation of the first interest rate cut.

The last stock market record high was January 5th, 2022, and we are currently very close to the same level for the S&P 500. The momentum from 2023 is strong and will likely continue if the strength of the U.S. job market continues and U.S. consumer spending drives GDP and corporate earnings growth higher. The bond market is back in balance between sellers and buyers as a dovish change in language by the Fed caused a sharp reversal in longer term U.S. Treasury yields from short covering. The current sentiment of bond investors is an overwhelming agreement that the next move by the Fed will be a rate cut.

We are cautious due to the high valuation of U.S. stocks but remain optimistic on the U.S. job market and improved productivity from new technologies. We want to remind you we are watching all the developments closely, especially small-cap stocks, which performed very well during the last two months of last year. We look forward to our planning discussions for the new year and meeting with you, whether in person or virtually.

For those who would like a deeper dive into the details, please continue reading…

The LTWM Insider – Market and Economic Commentary Q3 2023

If the Federal Reserve Board handles the spike in yields resulting from the current lack of buyers in the U.S. Treasury bond market, which we believe it will, we remain cautiously optimistic on the strength of the American consumer, since jobs are still plentiful, and workers are proving to be very resourceful in the face of high inflation.

For those who would like a deeper dive into the details, please continue reading…

The LTWM Insider – Market and Economic Commentary Q3 2022

Three challenging quarters for investment portfolios, both stocks and bonds were down together again at the end of the third quarter. We are in a bottoming process that won’t likely end until the Federal Reserve Board (the Fed) pauses from its rate hikes and/or its bond selling. The Fed has delivered strong actions, two 75 basis points (bps), or 0.75%, rate hikes during the quarter to slow the economy in its attempt to bring down inflation. The overnight lending rate has moved from 0% in the first quarter to 3.25% currently and another 125 bps, 1.25%, of rate hikes are expected between the two remaining meetings in November and December this year. The Fed started its $8.9 trillion balance sheet reduction (selling bonds) and has ramped up to a rate of $95 billion per month in September or $1.1 trillion annually. The massive bond selling has created low liquidity and high volatility in the bond and stock markets.

“Life is the sum of all your choices.” – Albert Camus, philosopher, author, and journalist.

This is the final article of a four-part series on Financial Success Through Policy Based Decision Making. Earlier articles addressed “WHAT is policy-based decision making? and “WHY use policy-based decision making?” as well as “HOW to use policy-based decision making.” This article will provide some examples of WHEN/WHERE policies are best used to achieve your financial success.

The LTWM Insider – Market and Economic Commentary Q2 2022

It was another challenging quarter for investment portfolios, both stocks and bonds were down together for the second quarter in a row. For the U.S. markets, the Federal Reserve Board of Governors (the Fed) delivered a higher than expected 75 basis point (0.75%) increase to the overnight lending rate at its June meeting and signaled another 50-75 bps increase at its next meeting on July 27th. The Fed has delivered strong actions to slow the economy in its attempt to control inflation. The Fed started its $8.9 trillion balance sheet reduction (selling bonds) ramping up to a rate of $95 billion per month in September or $1.1 trillion annually; and so far, this move has met fierce buying from the flight to quality bond traders. Many bond market buyers believe the Fed tightening will send the U.S. economy into recession; but they could still lose capital if interest rates continue to climb.

The LTWM Insider – Market and Economic Commentary Q1 2022

“Forecasts may tell you a great deal about the forecaster; they tell you nothing about the future.”

Warren Buffett, legendary investor

Are you a cup half full or a cup half empty type of investor?

Have stocks peaked in January, marking the first quarter the start of a new bear market; or is this a pause prior to new record highs? You will hear many forecasts, but we will only know in hindsight and the decisions of millions of investors will determine the direction. The only sure thing is the ride will be bumpy. Continue reading for more…

The LTWM Insider – Market and Economic Commentary Q4 2021

It is with high hope for a return to normalcy and deep gratitude that we say Happy New Year! The fourth quarter of 2021 was strong for stocks and now we know that the flat third quarter was just a bull market pause, as we discussed in our previous market commentary. The S&P 500 finished the year with 68 record highs, the last on December 29th. The index hit a fresh record high on January 3rd, then the Federal Reserve Board December meeting minutes were released on the 5th and the much more hawkish board discussion sent interest rates higher and stocks down sharply, with growth stocks leading the decline.

For those who would like a deeper dive into the details, please continue reading…

Market and Economic Commentary and Outlook

Stocks are near new record highs. Strong second quarter stock returns built on very strong first quarter returns and double digit first half returns are a good omen for the rest of the year. The S&P 500 has never finished with an annual decline if the first half is above double-digit returns; and history shows second half gains can be sizeable. Corporate earnings and jobs growth are strong and interest rates have declined, which has allowed large cap tech stocks to lead during the second quarter. Continue reading for more…

Market and Economic Commentary and Outlook

Stocks are near new record highs. Strong second quarter stock returns built on very strong first quarter returns and double digit first half returns are a good omen for the rest of the year. The S&P 500 has never finished with an annual decline if the first half is above double-digit returns; and history shows second half gains can be sizeable. Corporate earnings and jobs growth are strong and interest rates have declined, which has allowed large cap tech stocks to lead during the second quarter. Continue reading for more…

Market and Economic Commentary and Outlook

What a difference a year makes. It was just one-year ago that we reported an end to the 10-year long bull market, due to a 34% decline in the S&P 500 amid the government-imposed shutdowns world-wide. Now, with much of the economic news about fully reopening and robust economic projections, we are experiencing positive returns in most asset classes, record breaking for some. Continue reading for more…