All in Retirement Planning

Write Your Own Ending

Have you ever been watching a really great movie, thoroughly enjoying it, only to be disappointed by the ending? You sense the ending is near, things take a turn for the worse, and you're left with that overwhelming urge to say, 'NO… make it stop, go back!' I can relate. Haven't you wished at times that you could rewrite certain endings? Imagined a different, more satisfying conclusion that would have truly made the movie better? While we might not have complete control over how our own life ends, we do have a say. Please continue reading…

Four Reasons to Review Your Medicare Options Every Year

You may be surprised that almost half of Medicare beneficiaries do not review or even compare their coverage options each year during open enrollment.1   Navigating the Medicare landscape can be challenging, and it's easy to overlook when there are more engaging tasks at hand. However, ensuring you have the most suitable coverage each year is vital. Here are four compelling reasons why all Medicare beneficiaries should make it a priority to review their Medicare selections annually.

“Life is the sum of all your choices.” – Albert Camus, philosopher, author, and journalist.

This is the final article of a four-part series on Financial Success Through Policy Based Decision Making. Earlier articles addressed “WHAT is policy-based decision making? and “WHY use policy-based decision making?” as well as “HOW to use policy-based decision making.” This article will provide some examples of WHEN/WHERE policies are best used to achieve your financial success.